Comps/groups/tags-concepts [Was: FESCo Meeting Summary for 2008-10-29]

Bill Nottingham notting at
Tue Nov 4 19:52:01 UTC 2008

Nicolas Mailhot (nicolas.mailhot at said: 
> 2. this stuff can change during the (sub)package life, bugzilla only has
> the initial state (and not even all the packages, early packages are not
> in there)

Then do packagedb, and it's even a per-release flag. Realistically, if
someone isn't editing comps when they split things into subpackages, I
don't know that having to have a defined person always going through
and cleaning up after them is better.

> 3. that pushes more logic infra-side, which is not nice for third
> parties (and we want third parties to be comfortable creating their own
> private additions to Fedora)

???? If they're doing their own repo, they already are doing any
infrastructure work themselves in their own file. However we verify
ours doesn't really matter.

> The KISS solution is to just add everything in comps and run basic
> scripts that check every package we ship appears there (say in a
> dev-null group for libs or such stuff). You can easily cull the dev-null
> group at -> comps.xml stage if needed.
> Granted, just because a package appears in comps does not mean it
> appears in the right place, but usually packagers that make the effort
> to edit comps try to do it properly.

This doesn't actually help you get *useful* comps, as the first step
would be 'add all packages not listed to the devnull group', repeated
weekly. Which doesn't actually help you with respect to missing packages.


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