How to get an SELinux policy change

Jerry James loganjerry at
Thu Nov 6 23:15:35 UTC 2008

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Jochen Schmitt <Jochen at> wrote:
> I have try to create a SELinux module which I have uploaded to:
> I home this may be helpful for the original poster.

Pardon my ignorance, but I have another question.  During the build
process, the gcl binary is created first, then it is executed multiple
times to create the saved images.  The build dies when the built
binary is invoked to create the images, if building on an
SElinux-enabled host.  Is there any way to use this module to solve
that problem?  It seems like this only helps postinstall.

My test SRPM is currently modifying upstream's makefile to insert
"chcon -t java_exec_t <insert name here>" to get around this problem.
Is there a better way?

Thanks again,
Jerry James

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