End of bind-chroot-admin script

Adam Tkac atkac at redhat.com
Fri Nov 7 12:09:05 UTC 2008

Hi all,

bind-chroot-admin script should sync BIND configuration files to
chroot() directory. It was written with good intention but it has
never worked correctly in all situations. There is long history with
many broken configurations and urgent severity bugs.

I'm going to remove this script from Fedora 11 (it is part of Fedora/RHEL
only, no other distro uses it). After removal, "standard" chroot
structure will be created when you install bind-chroot package. It
will contain all needed files for running named in chroot but admin
shall move needed configuration files to chroot manually. Do you have
any comments?

Regards, Adam

Adam Tkac, Red Hat, Inc.

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