Pidgin (was Re: FESCo Meeting Summary for 2008-11-05)

Paul Wouters paul at
Sat Nov 8 18:39:53 UTC 2008

On Sat, 8 Nov 2008, Peter Lemenkov wrote:

>> >     6698 paul      20   0  843m  96m  15m S  0.0  9.6  16:43.17 pidgin
>> >    And I am not a super consumer, only 25 friends and 5 irc channels online now.
> Oh come on! It's just a GTK applications (with, as usual, poor desing,
> which in turn leads to high memory usage due to poor allocators,
> complex internal structure, which leads to bugs which cannot be fixed
> even by maintainers months and years, and so on).

I'm complaining because my machine actually runs out of memory after a
few weeks :P (Yes, my home desktop only has 1GB of RAM :)
And yes, restarting firefox tends to help :P

> You shoud try to use some better alternatives. Try Psi, for example.
> In any case there are tons of better XMPP clients (you're not using
> proprietary protocols like oscar/msn/aim/etc, are you?).

Apparently unlike you, I have friends :) So yes, although I prefer XMPP,
I also talk to people using proprietary evil central servers (hence my
insistence on needing OTR).


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