Flash 10 in 64-bit F9: does it work?

mike at cchtml.com mike at cchtml.com
Mon Nov 10 01:07:16 UTC 2008

On 11/9/2008, "Jos Vos" <jos at xos.nl> wrote:

>The Adobe RPM does not require libcurl.so.4:

It did when the first Flash 10 beta that required it came out. I guess
they removed this Requires on the final RPM. That's unfortunate.

No, I'm not making it up. I don't have a beta RPM anymore so I can't
pull out screenshots, but I remember it explicitly not allowing me to
install Flash 10 beta when I had no /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4 file. I had to
make a symlink to the .so.3 file and add --no-deps to the RPM install

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