Proposal: Rolling Release

Bojan Smojver bojan at
Tue Nov 11 01:13:57 UTC 2008

Eric Springer <erikina <at>> writes:

> So what I propose is that Fedora goes to a rolling release cycle.

Fedora is these days more than a collection of applications. Each release is
supposed to bring better integration of everything shipped within the release.
So, when you say:

> New features/software/functionality would be easily tested by the masses
without needing to upgrade the entire distribution.

I'm not so sure about the "easily" bit.

Let's say disconnected non-local authentication got addressed by various
components. How are you going to test this without pulling in the whole new
distro if something in say glibc got changed to accommodate it? Very hard to do
and not worth the trouble of risking massive breakage this can cause.

It's a pipe dream, IMHO.


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