
Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Tue Nov 11 13:23:02 UTC 2008

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> Le mardi 11 novembre 2008 à 00:16 -0500, Jon Masters a écrit :
>> On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 00:23 +0200, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
>>>> db-4.1 was last the system DB library in RHEL 3/FC1.
>> What's the point of a "compat" library if not to support software built
>> for such systems? 
> Compat libraries are here to help transitions within the repository,
> when some packages have been rebuilt to use the new version and others —
> not. They're killed as soon as this transition is complete because:
> — compat libraries have their own maintainer cost, and we don't want to
> pay it when there are no in-distro users
> — as long as they're available there's the risk someone adds a new
> package depending on them in the repo, making the transition go
> backwards
> Thus compat libraries represent a grace period for everyone to
> transition gracefully. That some ISVs do not want to understand this and
> wait till the grace period is over to realise they need to do some work
> is something you should take with those ISVs. Fedora/RHEL provided a
> grace period, they chose not to use it.
Good luck convincing IBM 
(http://www.haifa.ibm.com/projects/verification/RB_Homepage/ ), Cadence 
(www.cadence.com) and Synopsys (http://www.synopsys.com/) about that 
[*]. Until Feb 2008 Rulebase was still built with compatibility with RH9 
in mind. The switch to RHEL4 occured less than one year ago. Latest 
build (this summer)  claims compatibility (as I have said before) with 
RHEL5 but needs db-4.1; Synopsys still has NO official support for 
anything but RHEL 3.0 / 4.0 (but most of their tools do work on 5); 
Cadence has lots of tools which do NOT work on RHEL5. Mentor Graphics 
are the only ones who really support RHEL 5 (via static builds)

> It's the same problem as users wanting to block xorg releases till
> nvidia supported the new APIs, while nvidia waits for new releases to be
> official to start working on those APIs.
> Bad service from ISVs that do proprietary software, nothing less.
That is correct. Try convincing the hardware industry to not use the 
tools from the above vendors, in the context where there are only 3 
major players and 2 of them have their own agenda.

     Manuel Wolfshant       linux registered user #131416
        IT manager    NoBug Consulting SRL
  A: Yes.
  >Q: Are you sure?
  >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
  >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon? 

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