PackageKit 0.3.10 in Fedora 9

Chuck Anderson cra at WPI.EDU
Tue Nov 11 19:24:08 UTC 2008

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 04:37:44PM +0000, Richard Hughes wrote:
> I've just built 0.3.10 for F10 and pushed it to updates-testing:
> I would appreciate some feedback. If you can test the preupgrade
> notification, that would be even better. Thanks.

I updated my F9 system to this then used the PK GUI to enable the 
updates-testing-newkey software repo (I don't know how/why I had that 
disabled--I must have been testing something a long time ago, disabled 
it, and forgot to re-enable it.  Doh.).  I got a bunch of testing 
updates and applied them successfully.  So far so good.

How are we supposed to test the preupgrade notification?  I enabled 
checking for updates every hour, and major upgrades daily.  If I wait 
a day should I see the F10 upgrade appear?

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