Proposal: Rolling Release

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Tue Nov 11 21:54:20 UTC 2008

Les Mikesell wrote:
> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>>> How does that answer my question? Let me repeat. I've asked what 
>>>> policy it
>>>> is that "forced a horribly fractured 3rd party repository 
>>>> situation"? I'm
>>>> not aware of any such policy.
>>> All I can say is that with Ubuntu you can pick vendor drivers and Sun 
>>> Java 1.5 from the software management tool and you almost never have 
>>> to worry about conflicts among packages from the different repositories. 
>> If you meant proprietary drivers, just say it. "vendor drivers" is 
>> confusing since several of the drivers in the kernel and xorg are 
>> vendor supported and developed and available in the repository without 
>> conflicts.
> I meant redistributable drivers, of course.

"Redistributable" is again unclear. If you meant, proprietary drivers, 
they aren't always redistributable and even otherwise, their legality is 
a grey area. The open source drivers are redistributable and are being 


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