starting Fedora Server SIG

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Wed Nov 12 16:29:13 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 07:54:23AM -0600, Les Mikesell wrote:
> Even on machines where I never run an X display on the console, I often  
> find it extremely handy to have wireshark-gnome installed and run it via  
> ssh port-forwarding.   Likewise I might want to install VMware server  
> which needs X libs and perhaps a few other things on a machine that  
> doesn't run X on the console.  And on some other machines that I would  
> still classify as servers I run a whole desktop environment (or several)  
> remotely via freenx.  Are the packages split so you can easily get the X  
> libs, fonts, etc., without hardware related components?

Yes. The X server should never be required, nor any window manager.
(except that firstboot and system-config-display requires metacity
because they really use it). there is still the metacity issue I talked
about, and that was reported months ago, without success, but otherwise
I am not aware of such issues.


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