starting Fedora Server SIG

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Wed Nov 12 19:35:30 UTC 2008

Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Jesse Keating (jkeating at said: 
>>> Well, I guess start with a very minimal install and see what is there.
>>> With rawhide, it appears impossible to install a kernel without pulling
>>> in X libraries (because of plymouth), so I guess the base X libraries
>>> can be considered "core" now.
>> Pardon?
> plymouth's default dep chain pulls in libpng & pango, due to the graphical
> plugins. Whether those are considered 'X' libraries is debatable.

This is all pretty strange from a server perspective.  And plymouth is 
there to keep the screen from blinking while you boot?

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at

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