starting Fedora Server SIG

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Wed Nov 12 23:18:24 UTC 2008

Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 21:05 +0100, Enrico Scholz wrote:
>> This thread is about a *server* SIG, isn't it?  Most servers do not need
>> disk encryption as they are located in physically secured rooms.  They
>> must be able to reboot without manual interaction too.
>> Hence, when password prompts are the only reason for plymouth, then
>> plymouth should be optional; especially when it has heavy dependencies
>> like pango.
> Don't be so sure about that.  In a colo environment I /would/ want some
> encryption on the disk, and if I have to use a remote kvm to input the
> passphrase at reboot time, that's OK.

It might be good to have as an option for the database holding the 
personal or credit card info but I don't think you'd really like that on 
a large server farm.

> Reboots are either planned
> events, or emergencies, both of which are going to require the attention
> of the people who have the passphrase.

A normal reboot is needed at least as often as you push new kernels (we 
are still talking about fedora, aren't we?) - not something that should 
require a cross country trip.  And there's always the rare case where 
your UPS or power transfer switch fails and all of a sudden you have to 
bring back hundreds of machines as fast as you can.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at

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