starting Fedora Server SIG

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Thu Nov 13 23:16:59 UTC 2008

Bill Nottingham wrote:
> HAL is an interface for querying available hardware over the system;
> it runs on top of d-bus. It's used by things like NetworkManager
> and anaconda to enumerate devices, and by the desktop systems as the
> underlying framework for handling PDAs, music players, hotpluggable
> and removable devices, etc.

I'd really prefer my device names to be predictable.  That is, the NIC 
in the same motherboard or slot position gets the same eth? name across 
any number of identical machines, the same controller/cable/drive-select 
gets the same /dev/sd? name, etc.  Is there still any way to make that 

  > ConsoleKit is a d-bus available daemon that tracks 'sessions' (the
> combination of a login and a 'seat' - a display/keyboard/mouse combo.)
> It's done that way because just trawling through utmp isn't the most
> reliable mechanism. It's used by GDM for tracking who's logged in and
> providing shutdown/restart functionalty, and by HAL for implementing
> device access for users logged in on the console.

Anything tied to console logins is almost certainly wrong for unattended 
servers that may not have anything resembling a console, or unused if 
they do.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at

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