starting Fedora Server SIG

Dan Horák dan at
Fri Nov 14 15:51:17 UTC 2008

James Antill píše v Pá 14. 11. 2008 v 10:31 -0500:
> On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 17:04 +0100, Enrico Scholz wrote:
> > Seth Vidal <skvidal at> writes:
> > 
> > Why do you think, that 'yum' knows which choice is the best one? E.g. the
> > 'plymouth' case shows that the wrong decision was taken and that the user
> > would have made the right one.
>  You mean an extremely well informed user might have made the better
> choice. I'm not sure _I_ would have, I guess if I had the package
> summaries I could work out what -solar was by reading what
> -text-and-details-only did and assuming it was the opposite.
>  But other problems we have in this space like "install java-devel" are
> pretty much guaranteed to confuse the user unless they really know what
> they are doing, and have almost universally correct answers.
> > > If we do have a good default course of action, why are we prompting
> > > the user?
> > 
> > How do you define/configure a "good default course"?
>  I've recently posted a patch to the yum ML which would allow Fedora (or
> any active repo.) to configure these choices manually. We could then
> also easily have different defaults for the desktop vs. the server
> spins.

That looks really promising.


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