why koji try to build on ppc when ExcludeArch ppc?

Conrad Meyer konrad at tylerc.org
Fri Nov 14 16:31:10 UTC 2008

On Friday 14 November 2008 08:18:58 am Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> >>>>> "FL" == Farkas Levente <lfarkas at lfarkas.org> writes:
> FL> why try to build on ppc? it's a koji bug?
> It's a noarch package, so it just gets assigned randomly to the pool.
> I thought that koji did check excludearch lines even for noarch
> packages, but maybe that's just the compose tools.
>  - J<

Don't believe so -- I've run into this in the past.

Conrad Meyer <konrad at tylerc.org>

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