Automatic WEP key type/lenght recognition?

Valent Turkovic valent.turkovic at
Mon Nov 17 08:38:28 UTC 2008

NetworkManager currently has these menues for entering WEP:
"WEP 40/128-bit Key"
"WEP 128 bit passphase"
I'm leaving out others that are not commonly used in home environment (802.1x).

I saw lots of users having issues with "WEP 40/128-bit Key" being the
default option and when using ASCII keys.
I would suggest to use one simple but very effective mechanism for
determining if key entered is 40/104-bit, HEX or ASCII.
HEX keys have length of 10 characters for 40-bit, and 26 characters
for 104-bit keys. ASCII keys have length of 5 or 13 characters.

Could this be incoroprated into NetworkManager so that the menu
chooses appropriate type and length of key by the length of characters
that users enters?

Here is RFE:

Do you see any obvious faults why this would not work or do you think
this would be a good idea?


linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

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