F11: things to check in a release tree before a release

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Wed Nov 19 21:12:09 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 03:52:15PM -0500, Seth Vidal wrote:
> Going through a variety of checks for things that could be broken in a 
> release tree, I decided to type up a list of the things we should be 
> checking for.
> ??? metadata matches
> ??? comps correct
> ??? file conflicts
> ??? normal conflicts
> ??? no obsoleted pkgs in tree
> ??? report all triggers
> ??? look for all postrans/pretrans things
> ??? unresolveable requires
> ??? self-provided filedeps
> ??? self-provided normal deps
> ??? old versions of pkgs left over
> Some of them are not explicitly things which are broken in a release, just 
> things it would be wise to make sure are sane. Triggers,pretrans and 
> posttrans are good examples of that.
> Can anyone think of any others that we should report/check for?

All files in the .treeinfo file actually exist, and that the .treeinfo
has entries for baremetal & xen kernels (xen may or may not point to
the same kernels as baremetal). We now rely on .treeinfo files for
virtualization provisioning needs, so brokenness is a show-stopper.

|: Red Hat, Engineering, London   -o-   http://people.redhat.com/berrange/ :|
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