My roadmap for a better Fedora

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at
Wed Nov 19 22:43:45 UTC 2008

2008/11/19 Callum Lerwick <seg at>:
> So, many pieces of this have been blabbed about by me and others
> recently and in the past, but I think a lot of people aren't seeing the
> big picture. I think it's time I fit it all together.

A lot of critiques end up quickly deteriorating into whiners, sad but true.

> Problem: Fedora is buggy, and updates are rife with regressions.
> Solution: We need more and wider testing.
> Problem: We need more and wider testing. Why don't we get more testing?

[ snip ]

My only issue why I do not test a lot more is the lack of requests.
There is too much software to just "test'. If there was an RSS
fees/email alert/etc system which alerted me every time someone wanted
something tested. I would do a lot more testing. I have box dedicated
to rawhide which I will glad screw over in the name of testing. But it
is not my primary machines, I am not using it every day.

Fedora 9 : sulphur is good for the skin
( )

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