My roadmap for a better Fedora

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Sat Nov 22 18:28:54 UTC 2008

Ralf Corsepius wrote:

>>>>> Problem: We need more and wider testing. Why don't we get more testing?
>>>>  .. because this work is not attractive. It's boring work without
>>>>  proper credit in open source community.
>>> Right. Furthermore, testing implies finding bugs, discussing, struggling
>>> and arguing with package maintainers and upstreams. Not necessarily a
>>> way to make friends :)
>>> However, I think the primary cause in is Fedora's work-flow and Fedora's
>>> infrastructure. I find them not to be really helpful to such endeavors.
>> I do think Windows has improved a lot since they added the crash 
>> reporter.  OS X has one 
> These are closed source OSes - They don't have any alternative but such
> "user participation programs" - OSS has alternatives.

Beg your pardon, but having the option (requirement?) to fix broken 
stuff myself has never been all that appealing to me as an aspect of 
open source.  I look to it more for the benefits of re-using code that 
is already well tested.  Of course that doesn't work out all that well 
in a project that keeps changing things...

>> - and I though Ubuntu included one too although 
>> I haven't seen anything trip it.
> Gnome had one for many years (bug-buddy), ... I don't recall having seen
> it providing any substantial improvement to Gnome.
> Now the kernel also has one (kerneloops) ... We'll see if it will
> provide improvements.

How does that work?  I'd think a dead kernel or one that doesn't boot 
would have a hard time reporting it's problems.

> My expectations on such tools are very low. Many users switch them off
> and developers/maintainers tend to ignore them as noise.

If the developers ignore the information, then at least they should stop 
blaming the lack of testers for the lingering bugs.

    Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at

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