RFC: fix summary text for lots of packages

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at iki.fi
Sun Nov 23 10:21:42 UTC 2008

On Friday 21 November 2008, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> Ville Skyttä wrote:
> > Leaving gnome-packagekit's current UI aside, is repeating the package
> > name in summary something that people would rather not see done in any
> > case?  I tend to think that it'd be better to not repeat it myself.  Just
> > asking in case there's clear consensus on this - this is something that
> > would be trivial to check in rpmlint.
> +1

The consensus doesn't seem to be entirely clear but I added the check anyway 
in upstream rpmlint svn.  Its output can always be filtered out later if 

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