Flash trouble on F10 / VESA

Mikko Huhtala mhuhtala at abo.fi
Tue Nov 25 17:57:25 UTC 2008

I've an up-to-date F10 installation on an old laptop with a very poor
graphics card. lspci says

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]

Xorg uses the Savage driver with DRI. I've configured X to run at 16
bit color depth, otherwise a lot of things, especially playing video,
become painfully slow.

For some reason Flash refuses to work at all. I've tried both Adobe's
flash-plugin package and gnash (all 32 bit). Flash elements appear as
blank boxes on web pages in Firefox and X uses 100% of CPU trying to
do something, but the Flash animation/video never appears. Both
flash-plugin and gnash do work on another machine that has Nvidia
drivers and the same versions of all the other relevant packages. Is
this a know problem?


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