NetworkManager doesn't email log files

Mike Chambers mike at
Wed Nov 26 18:00:59 UTC 2008

When using NetworkManager, none of my log files (such as from epylog,
logwatch, crons, etc..) get emailed to my server (local network here at
home), all using static network.  When I go to the *old* network, they
are sent just fine.

Little example below...

Workstation - Using NetworkManager, log files are created but not sent,
such as from using epylog and logwatch, both run from cron.daily. They
are *tried* to be sent, but get Message delivery errors as I can see
from the mailq command. Turn off NM and turn on network, and the mailq
is sent right off the bat, and log files are sent like they are suppose
to from here on out.

Server - Configured the exact same no matter what is used and accepts no
matter what the workstation is using.  All using dnsmasq and /etc/hosts
for my local dns.

Any ideas?

Mike Chambers
Fedora Project - Ambassador, Bug Zapper, Tester, User, etc..
mikec302 at

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