shortening time passed in bodhi?

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Wed Nov 26 18:12:08 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 09:52:08AM -0800, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-11-26 at 16:04 +0100, Patrice Dumas wrote:
> > What are the reasons for holding updates? Is there somebody actually
> > verifying that the package works, doesn't break the distro or the like?
> > What exactly do releng/QA people with updates, ie what checks?
> At this point we haven't inserted any automated QA into the system.  I
> have some plans, but they will mostly be post-build, rather than
> post-bodhi request, although we could do it both times.

Ok. You still haven't explained what checks were done, especially
between pending and stable or testing.

> The main reason we haven't inserted any automated QA is that to get a
> correct picture of what the distro would look like with that update
> added takes a full compose, to ensure we get the right view of multilib,
> and that we don't have an older copy of the package update floating in
> repos resolving deps it shouldn't, etc...  The compose process itself is
> extremely time and resource consuming and it unfortunately hasn't been
> as high of a priority to tackle as it should have been.

Right. This is a good reason, especially if compose takes one day. Still
it doesn't explain the other delays. I still can't see what takes time
besides composing, nor why there is a pending state.


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