shortening time passed in bodhi?

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Wed Nov 26 19:32:02 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-11-26 at 20:19 +0100, Patrice Dumas wrote:
> I guess that it is that part that I would like to be skipped, such that
> there is no need of any checking, and the update goes straigth to
> testing or stable, without being even in pending state.
> I know that not all packages have dist tags, but shouldn't dist tag be
> enough to discriminate faulty tags? Packages without dist tag would then
> be checked manually.

er, this time period is I do believe less than a second, and it's done
automatically by bodhi when you make the request.  It just fails the
request if the tag isn't correct.

The pending state is there because people often work on an update
request at multiple times, and want to be able to add to it and adjust
it before doing the final push request, and also from a app code point
of view I think the update object has to have one form of existence
outside of either push requested or pushed.

So again, I think we're misunderstanding each other.  What problem are
you trying to solve?

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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