KDE vs. GNOME on F10

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Wed Aug 5 10:23:12 UTC 2009

On 05.08.2009 12:02, Richard Hughes wrote:
> 2009/8/5 Josephine Tannhäuser <josephine.tannhauser at googlemail.com>:
>> KDE 4.3 will come to F11 and F10. It's a cool thing.
>> There aren't updates like this for Gnome. Why not?
>> F10 with Gnome 2.26 sounds fine to me.
> Because I don't want to _support_ the latest and greatest GNOME on old
> versions. A lot of the GNOME stack would require updating core system
> stuff like gtk+ and glib2, and when you've done that you might as well
> be running F11. I don't mind merging small patches from upstream to
> fix specific bugs, but new code brings new bugs, and that's not
> something a typical F10 user wants to cope with. In my opinion, if you
> want newer functionality, you should just upgrade to F11.

I don't want to get between the lines here (there are good arguments and
against updating Gnome and KDE for older releases) and I hate buzz-words
like "Corporate identity", but I find it more and more odd that one
doesn't know what to expect from Fedora, because similar sized things
(KDE and Gnome) are handled quite differently.

Further: The behavior changes to much IMHO -- one reason why I use
Fedora at home and work and suggested it to others were the major new
kernel versions that got delivered as regular update. But that doesn't
really work anymore since half a year or something: F-10 is still on
2.6.27, 2.6.29 sits in Updates-testing for ages; 2.6.30 is out for
weeks, but no sign of a update for F-11 apart for a few commits in CVS. :-(

A more common look and feel to the outside world and a more reliable
update scheme IMHO would be good for Fedora, as people would know what
to expect. Ohh, and it would prevent discussions like this ;-)


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