KDE vs. GNOME on F10

Josh Boyer jwboyer at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 13:24:37 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 10:59:25PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
>On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 05:37 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>> Adam Williamson wrote:
>> > I probably couldn't do much justice to a comprehensive plan as I have
>> > insufficient knowledge of how the buildsystem works. I was acting at a
>> > higher level - just trying to point out that it's essentially doomed to
>> > try and please everyone with a single update repository, that's not an
>> > argument anyone can win. Either the 'we want stable updates' camp or the
>> > 'we want shiny new stuff' camp is going to be disappointed.
>> The problem is that your solution doubles maintainer and rel-eng workload. I 
>> think we really don't have the resources for that.
>Please don't personalize things. It's not 'mine', and it's not really a
>solution. I'm simply pointing out that it's literally impossible to
>satisfy both possible update policies with a single unitary repository.

You are under the impression that we have an update policy at all.  We don't.
So we have nothing to satisfy, which makes it very possible.

>We either have to make it clear which policy we use and which policy we
>don't, and hence which theoretical user base we are not targeting, or
>take on extra work and try to satisfy both. I am not declaring myself in

Actually, we could do nothing and be just fine.  Let the users decide if and
when and what they want to update.


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