trouble building octave-forge: build system issues?

Alex Lancaster alexl at
Wed Aug 26 11:15:30 UTC 2009

>>>>> "QA" == Quentin Armitage  writes:

QA> On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 17:35 -0700, Alex Lancaster wrote:
>> I'm the maintainer of octave-forge and, I've been beating my head
>> against the wall trying to build octave-forge against the new octave
>> 3.2.2 in rawhide.  
>> so if somebody
>> else could attempt to build the package on a true rawhide machine
>> outside the koji build system, that would be great.

QA> I've attempted a build on an i686 Rawhide system (not using Mock), and
QA> it failed as follows:


QA> mkdir (/var/tmp/oct-FZRCZp)
QA> untar (/var/tmp/java-1.2.6.tar.gz, /var/tmp/oct-FZRCZp)
QA> error: memory exhausted or requested size too large for range of
QA> Octave's index type -- eval failed
QA> load: file
QA> `/u/home/hsn/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/octave-forge-20090607-8.fc12.i386/usr/share/octave/octave_packages' seems to be empty!
QA> error: called from `pkg>installed_packages' in
QA> file /usr/share/octave/3.2.2/m/pkg/pkg.m near line 1852, column 21

QA> warning: lo_ieee_init: unrecognized floating point format!
QA> error: can't perform indexing operations for cs-list type
QA> error: evaluating argument list element number 1
QA> error: evaluating argument list element number 1
QA> /bin/sh: line 25: /packinfo/on_uninstall.m: No such file or directory


Thanks for the feedback, it's very helpful and it makes me suspect
that the build failures may be related to the switch from i586 -> i686
on rawhide.

For example, using koji, the x86_64 build appears to complete

but the i686 build on koji has similar install failures to those
mentioned above (and those that I obtained previously):

So there may be some i686-specific issues with building Octave
packages as it has not previously been built with the specific i686
architecture until now.

Any ideas on how to address this?


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