Some ideas/questions about yum

Seth Vidal skvidal at
Fri Aug 28 17:33:10 UTC 2009

On Fri, 28 Aug 2009, Hedayat Vatnakhah wrote:

> You don't need to know about all existing repositories, since you can still resolve file level dependencies. In such
> cases you'll be forced to download the other file I mentioned (primary_file_deps.db).
> I don't see why you'll need to recreate all repos when one of them changes! Sorry :( And its impossible to state anything
> about the last item.

You're going to pretty much instantly download the complete filelists then 
b/c if you add ANY 3rd party repo you're going to need /bin/sh probably 
immediately along with various and sundry items in /etc/.

Now - an argument could be made for nuking /bin/sh deps from orbit but 
that's going to have to happen at another layer than this.

> IMHO, even a single php/python script can provide such a XML RPC service (web service was just an example). Mirrors could
> get this file just like the other files when syncing. But well, it'll be http only. The GPG sign issue could be
> problematic, but would you really need to sign the traffic?!

1. a lot of our mirrors won't want to run any app
2. some of our mirrors are not running on linux (or sometimes not 
even on a unix)
3. it makes 'mirroring' things much harder in the traditional sense
4. yes you need to sign it otherwise you'll get the same set of problems 
we just dealt with last fall. We have to sign the metadata to make sure 
clients aren't screwed.


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