packages requiring me to reboot...

Seth Vidal skvidal at
Tue Dec 15 17:38:02 UTC 2009

On Tue, 15 Dec 2009, Nathanael D. Noblet wrote:

> On 12/15/2009 09:54 AM, Seth Vidal wrote:
>> Does gdm entirely restart when you logout? I don't believe so. I suspect
>> you get the same result by killing X then going back to that runlevel
>> but for many many many users a reboot is going to be less error-prone.
> Isn't there gdm-restart for that purpose? I don't really know, but I'm just 
> confused as to why a program that lets me login requires a reboot...
> I *really* don't want to sound whiny or anything like that, or be one of 
> those that compare us to windows... but one of my favorite things from years 
> ago was that I only had to reboot with a new kernel. Now I feel like I reboot 
> every update. I mean, even the ibus stuff was stating I needed a reboot. As 
> far as I know that is used for alternative language input, which I don't use, 
> fair enough it doesn't know that. But what about it needs a reboot?
> I'm also curious why gdm is still running once I've logged in. I see the 
> user-switch stuff but I'm just wondering. I mean rebooting isn't the end of 
> the world but man it sure happens a lot now

I don't have a good answer. You might want to ask on the 
fedora-desktop-list and/or in a bug for that component. I was just trying 
to explain the specific behavior you saw.

Now, having said that - how would you feel if the updater stopped you 
before it ran and said "you're running an app I'm trying to update, please 
close the app so I can update it". Would that be a pain or ok?


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