RFC: Disabling blinking cursor by default

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 22:33:12 UTC 2009

>> > There's a reason it's been like this in like ... forever.
>> > Doesn't it strike you as strange to change one of the
>> > longest established conventions on a whim?!?
>> Tradition is not an argument in fedora.
> Neither seems to be reason.

TBH until recently I thought this problem had gone away. Shortly after
powertop came out the blinking cursor issue was identified as an issue
and I saw patches flying around to fix the problems. It wasn't until I
noticed OLPC was patching some part of the the gnome stack to fix the
issue that I realised that it was still an issue. Surely it can be
made some sort of "Cursor Blink" config option that is disabled by
default but allow the people that want blinking to enable it
relatively simply.


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