Jakub's Recommendations for ia32 Support

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski dominik at greysector.net
Wed Feb 4 00:40:10 UTC 2009

On Tuesday, 03 February 2009 at 22:08, Josh Boyer wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 09:57:40PM +0100, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote:
> >On Tuesday, 03 February 2009 at 21:52, Josh Boyer wrote:
> >> On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 09:45:46PM +0100, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote:
> >[...]
> >> >Well, I talk to people who write hand-optimized assembly and care to
> >> >squeeze every cycle out of various CPUs and they say it's definitely
> >> >a win. So please, show me some code instead of hand-waving.
> >> 
> >> If they can do that, then why can't they rebuild things themselves?
> >
> >Oh, right. Let's all use LFS or Gentoo.
> >Why can't everyone rebuild things themselves?
> They can.
> Look, it's very simple.  Fedora _cannot_ be everything to everyone.  There
> are too many variations, optimizations, etc.  So, in light of that, it
> tries to fit the best usecase.  The common ground.
> People that hand code assembly files are _not_ the common users of Fedora.

I know. I'm just saying Ulrich's statement about "cmov not being a win"
is not convincing without some code samples. I, on the other hand, can
point you to x264 cabac asm code, which uses cmov to attain 8%(p4)
to 25%(core2) speedups.


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