Request for feedback and/or participation on

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Wed Feb 4 12:47:04 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 13:35 +0100, Phil Knirsch wrote:
>  I'll add that right away to the page. Thanks Richard!

Cool, thanks. One thing to make very clear is that we don't want to have
lots of checkboxes like this:

[ ] enable bluetooth on battery
[X] enable ASPM on battery
[X] enable hda-powersave on battery

We can put the mechanism in the kernel, and leave the policy to
userspace. Where we can we want to control latency, but enabling and
disabling features (like bluetooth) as part of a power policy is pretty

I've written more stuff about using latency and using DeviceKit-power

Soon, they'll be a new tab on the gnome-power-statistics application
allowing you to see which applications are asking for reduced latency,
and will allow an admin to override certain things.


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