2009-02-05 - Fedora Test Day - ext4 default fs

Eric Sandeen sandeen at redhat.com
Thu Feb 5 16:33:06 UTC 2009

Peter Robinson wrote:
>> However, any suggestions of things you'd like to see tested are welcome!
> I've installed a couple of F-10 systems with ext-4 without major
> issues but in F-10 you couldn't use ext4 for the /boot partition which
> I presume you'll be able to do for F-11.

Eventually, I hope so.  Not that /boot is all that critical... but there
is an ext4 patch for grub which needs some testing yet.  (and needs some
pushing-to-rawhide yet).

> Also there's the option now of using ext4 without a journal in recent
> time (presumably to be able to finally do away with ext2) which for
> some systems is very useful so to be able to use that option when
> installing would be very useful too.

doubtful that ext2 will ever go away, it's still kind of the canonical
disk-based filesystem in the kernel (very useful as an example if
nothing else), but usecases for ext2 may well migrate to ext4+nojournal.

When you say useful to use it when installing, you mean so that the
resulting fs is set up that way?  It could always be switched over
post-install; having the install option would be *nice* but not
*critical* - in general the installer doesn't expose very many
mkfs/mount options for any filesystem at this point ....


> Peter

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