Changing name of ISO checksum file

iarnell iarnell at
Thu Feb 5 17:23:14 UTC 2009

2009/2/5 Douglas E. Warner <silfreed at>:
> I agree that it's nice to have them named differently, but for users trying to
> checksum the ISOs just after downloading it's much easier for us to say, "Run
> sha256sum -c ISO-SUMS" rather than, "Do an 'ls *.sha*' and run either sha1sum
> or sha256sum on these files".

Sounds like we need an all-singing-all-dancing shaXsum that will
automatically detect and use the right algorithm based on digest size
when checking (and can automagically use the right algorithm for
computing digest when symlinked as sha{1,224,256,384,512,x}sum or
called with --size <bits> option).


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