rawhide report: 20090206 changes

Joe Nall joe at nall.com
Sun Feb 8 15:08:14 UTC 2009

On Feb 8, 2009, at 8:49 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 08, 2009 at 14:57:21 +0100,
>  Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net> wrote:
>> Le Sam 7 février 2009 04:18, Manuel Wolfshant a écrit :
>>> PS: what was the advantage of having this sort of oddities in the
>>> changelog, except for proving the fact that "we can" ?
>> What's wrong with checking we can and a tool developer didn't re-add
>> some UTF-8 incompatible processing after all the pain we had cleaning
>> up rpm and yum of those problems?
> Note that bad stuff does creep back in. Last fall I filed some bugs
> against packages where the changelog files had used iso-8859-1 instead
> of utf-8. I haven't been running createrepo lately, but wouldn't be  
> surprised
> if more of this hadn't creeped back in.

Like this?

Pungi:INFO: Making repodata
Previous repo file missing:
709/1419 - Packages/exempi-2.1.0-1.fc10.x86_64.rpm
iso-8859-1 encoding on Kristian H?gsberg <krh at redhat.com> - 1.1.3-4

846/1419 - Packages/cpp-4.3.2-7.x86_64.rpm
iso-8859-1 encoding on Kristian H?gsberg <krh at redhat.com> - 1.1.3-4

884/1419 - Packages/sound-theme-freedesktop-0.2-2.fc10.noarch.rpm
iso-8859-1 encoding on Kristian H?gsberg <krh at redhat.com> - 1.1.3-4

1378/1419 - Packages/ 
wpa_supplicant-0.6.4-2.fc10.x86_64.rpm                     .rpm
iso-8859-1 encoding on Kristian H?gsberg <krh at redhat.com> - 1.1.3-4

1419/1419 - Packages/atk-1.24.0-1.fc10.i386.rpm
Saving Primary metadata


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