Fedora tested in c't: grub missing feature

Jud Craft craftjml at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 19:03:31 UTC 2009

Dumb question.

Is there any reason you can't....

Create new GRUB menu...
For each disc (connected to PC at install time)
--For each (non-swap, non-NTFS partition)
----if /boot exists...
------copy GRUB menu entries from that partition's /boot/menu.1st or

Then add Fedora entry and all previous GRUB entries to the new Fedora
GRUB, then install?

Commandeer all GRUB control from the other installs on disk (which may
or may not exist) -- something Fedora already does -- but just do a
quick check to make sure there are no GRUB menu entries anywhere else
on the disk, and if so, make sure to add those to the list.

It would require a bit of partition mounting, yes, but the hardest
analysis part is text-parsing the menu.1st -- if any menu.1sts are
even present.

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