Fedora tested in c't: grub missing feature

Ben Boeckel MathStuf at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 20:16:38 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ben Boeckel wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Christoph Höger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> fedora has recently been tested (again) and compared against other
>> distributions (Ubuntu and OpenSUSE) by c't, a german IT magazine from
>> the heise publishing house.
>> Among other criticisms one thing was really annoying: When a user
>> installs fedora on a machine with windows installed (common use case) it
>> detects that installation and offers to add it to grub. But installing
>> fedora on a box with an already present linux distro installation will
>> yield that installation removed from grub.
>> I understand that the bootloader is a part of the distro and its
>> configuration gets changed e.g. during kernel updates, but is there
>> really only the answer to remove one distribution completely?
>> Do we really want to support Windows as second OS more than
> OpenSUSE or
>> Ubuntu (or CentOS, or Debian, or Gentoo, or ........)
>> At least the anaconda team should consider printing a warning about one
>> OS going to "be lost" during install and how to recover.
>> Any thoughts on that?
> This may be more for grub upstream, but what if grub could create a menu
> given different files to work with. Fedora installs /boot/grub/fedora.lst,
> OpenSuSE installs opensuse.lst, and so on. This way multi-boot systems can
> handle as many distros as needed/wanted and not have them step on each
> other fighting for control of menu.lst and its formatting. Then menu.lst
> could be used for common things (such as which to make the default,
> timeout, splash, and other settings). Then create a tool to manage the
> common file settings. It would only require the user to make sure that
> /boot is large enough for kernels and the same for all distros. I think
> this would be an easier solution than figuring out a common format for all
> distros to use and making sure that they don't step on each others' toes.
> - --Ben
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> 28YAn054eWLPy5p101hx4b/RKjKxvj1z
> =kyMZ

Is this getting drowned out, ignored, or is there something I'm missing that 
makes it a bad idea?

- --Ben

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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