Fedora Release Engineering Meeting Recap 2009-02-09

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Mon Feb 9 21:57:42 UTC 2009

Recap and full IRC transcript found 

Please make corrections and clarifications to the wiki page.

== Package Signing--sha256 ==
* the createrepo stuff is already taken care of in createrepo, and in 
pungi upstream
* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/StrongerHashes
* need a plan around the SHA1SUM file
* set release note flag on associated bug

== Automated QA ==
* f13 created a script that can watch a set of repos (specifically the 
updates repos), detect when they change, and allow for execution of 
** this would allow us to react to a new updates push and run whatever 
tests the QA team comes up with
* wwoods working on RHTSlib stuff
* continue discussion on #fedora-qa

== Signing Server ==
* trying to get test instance setup in PHX
* jwb to help out with package signing in the future

== Mass Rebuild ==
* need to start on sooner rather than later
* waiting for several features to solidify

== IRC Transcript ==

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