F10 and no root login - impossible to maintain systems!

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Feb 12 16:18:07 UTC 2009

Paul Wouters wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, Doug Ledford wrote:
>> Authority or not, that doesn't make her wrong.  Tell the nag-nannies I
>> said sod off.  It's not that I *need* to login as root on an X session,
>> it's that I *want* to.  If I accept the risks
> And while we're at it, throw away the the stupid rm/cp/mv aliases
> in root's .bashrc.
> No? Sorry, I had to try :P

Actually, we should. They're an unreliable crutch; by training people 
that they have a second chance, we train them to pull the trigger first, 
and /then/ stop to think if they know what they're doing. Which, as soon 
as they're on a system that doesn't have these aliases, means they shoot 

(And I know I'm not the only one with that opinion...)

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   -- Charles Wilson (generalized)

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