%config files and upgrade to F11 - consider noreplace

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Wed Feb 25 23:16:09 UTC 2009

Tomas Mraz wrote:
> As already pointed out by someone else before. RPM could compute
> on-the-fly the old (MD5) hash of the new config file being installed and
> use that for the comparsion. Except this may not be easily hackable into
> the RPM code I suppose because the file is possibly not yet extracted
> from the cpio at the time the hashes are compared.

I think the best solution would be for RPMs to carry BOTH SHA256 and MD5
checksums for %config files, SHA256 being used for all operations with the
new RPM, but the MD5 for comparisons with the old MD5. This could then be
phased out after a couple of releases.

        Kevin Kofler

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