Features/ArchitectureSupport - x86_64 kernel 32 bit userspace

Roberto Ragusa mail at robertoragusa.it
Thu Feb 26 10:54:54 UTC 2009

Bill Nottingham wrote:
> - install x86_64 kernel on 32-bit OS where appropriate

This is really exciting, but I remember to have read somewhere of
some compatibility issues.

In particular, could someone report success/failure for the nvidia
binary module?
Is it true that the x86_64 kernel part depends on x86_64 GL/X11 part
which depends on x86_64 X11, which depends on x86_64 glibc... and so
the system is basically being entirely switched to x86_64?

I know the policy about binary modules: the vendors have to cope
with their problems and Fedora will not slow down to help them.

But it looks interesting anyway to know for sure what happens.

Any other similar problems to investigate?
I think free stuff is compatible or fixable (kvm? fuse? openjdk? ...),
but there is also widely used proprietary software
(ATI closed source driver? vmware? ...).

Best regards.

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at robertoragusa.it

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