Ready for new RPM version?

Jon Ciesla limb at
Thu Feb 26 21:08:31 UTC 2009

Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> Jon Ciesla píše v Čt 26. 02. 2009 v 14:41 -0600:
>> Has anyone tried a yum upgrade to F-11?  I would think upgrading rpm and 
>> yum first would be all the prerequisites you'd need, no?
> >From F-10 with updates there is no reason to expect any problems.
> >From F-9 the recommendation is to perform a full update to F-10 with all
> updates.  Updating only rpm to the F-10 update version seemed to work
> fine when I tried it, but nobody maintains this upgrade path.
> 	Mirek
I know it isn't :)  Never stopped me before.  Hence:

in your fear, speak only peace
in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie

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