Heads up for rawhide users: if you missed an update, you're stuck

Orcan Ogetbil oget.fedora at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 21:19:28 UTC 2009

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> Just a note to rawhide users who don't update every day: if you missed
> the upgrade to rpm-4.6.0-8.fc11, you now cannot read many (and soon
> all) packages in rawhide, including the current version of the rpm
> package.  I believe there was a two day window to do this, so if you
> haven't updated since Tuesday you might be stuck.
> To get going again, visit koji and manually download the -8 packages
> for your arch, update them manually, and then let yum update you the
> rest of the way.
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=83804
> Perhaps some enterprising person will drop these in a repo for easy
> access before koji garbage collects them.
>  - J<

I don't use rawhide. But does this affect my local rawhide mock cache?


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