Mass rebuild, noarch and binary files

Tom "spot" Callaway tcallawa at
Fri Feb 27 16:13:39 UTC 2009

On 2009-02-27 at 11:00:24 -0500, Thibault North
<thibault.north at> wrote:
> I've been notified that avr-libc rebuild for F11 failed, and Koji says that it 
> is because this noarch package contains binary  (error: Arch dependent 
> binaries in noarch package)
> This is a normal behaviour, as avr-libc provides precompiled libraries for avr 
> microcontrolers, which are external devices.

Is avr-libc really noarch? Isn't this a cross-compiled version of libc?
And can't we build those precompiled libraries from source using the
existing cross toolchain?


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