Draft guidelines for approving provenpackager

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Fri Feb 27 19:15:42 UTC 2009

On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 07:47:52 -0800
Jesse Keating <jkeating at redhat.com> wrote:

> We don't currently have guidelines for granting access to proven
> packager.  I took a work item from FESCo to create a draft for this,
> and here is my first stab at it (words in camelcase exist to be
> replaced with links to pages concerning them):
> Provenpackager is a group of highly skilled package maintainers who
> are experienced in a wide variety of package types and who are
> intimately familiar with the PackagingGuidelines and
> MaintainerPolicies as well as acutely aware of ReleaseSchedules and
> FreezePolicies.  They exist as a group to lend a hand when help is
> needed, always with a desire to improve the quality of Fedora.  By
> granting membership into provenpackager for a maintainer you are
> confirming that at least in your mind they meet the above criteria
> and that you would trust them fully with any of the packages you
> either maintain or even just use.

We sort have stalled out on this. 

I think the above is great, but the open question is who applies the
above guideline to folks requesting membership in provenpackager. 

Robert had a proposal for this, but FESCo didn't like it. ;( 

I would like to propose several possible options and ask for feedback
on them: 

A) Provenpackager sponsors are set to FESCo members and RELENG members.
They apply the above guideline and approve people into the group. 
(This would be a smaller pool of people than C below). 

B) Provenpackagers submit a request to FESCo and are voted on in
meetings and approved by a majority vote. Note that this doesn't scale
too well if there are a lot of requests. 

C) Provenpackager sponsors are set to the same as Sponsors in the
packager group. Anyone in that pool can apply the above guideline and
approve someone into the group. 

Anyone have other proposals or like/dislike any of these? 
We need to get this finished. 


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