Ready for new RPM version?

Jeremy Katz katzj at
Fri Feb 27 21:39:44 UTC 2009

On Friday, February 27 2009, seth vidal said:
> On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 13:18 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > It's not, really. Fedora's is the only development branch which is so
> > neglected, no other distro's is. To give the example I'm most familiar
> > with, Mandriva's development branch has, this cycle, gone through a
> > complete rebuild, Python 2.5 -> 2.6 migration, Tcl 8.5 -> 8.6 migration,
> > X server 1.4 -> 1.6 (git snapshot then final release) migration, and a
> > few other major changes. Most developers run it, as do quite a lot of
> > testers, and it generally works. (While the Python 2.6 rebuild was going
> > on, if you tried to upgrade, you'd see about four hundred errors. This
> > was a fairly good clue that you should wait until the rebuild was
> > complete before updating. Most people are able to handle this level of
> > cogitation.)
> To be fair - no other distro revs as quickly or as much as fedora does,
> either. We tend to get new things first. That's one of Fedora's goals.
> So, saying that other distros have an easier development branch is
> really just evidence that fedora is doing what fedora does, move
> quickly.

That said, I've been running rawhide on basically all of my boxes all
the time without a need for a reinstall[1] for a decade later this year!


[1] I tend to do fresh installs when I get new hardware but that's about
the only time

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