Ready for new RPM version?

Adam Williamson awilliam at
Sat Feb 28 04:01:53 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 19:46 -0800, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

> > I'm trying. :) I know there's a lot more than five people reading this
> > list, so maybe some of them will see my point here.
> > 
> > I know various other people I've spoken to about this have been firmly
> > on my side, and I've been urged by more than one person to (I quote)
> > 'JFDI' in relation to trying to get more people to use Rawhide.
> I see your point.  But I don't think it's going to be a very popular
> religon here :-)  In Fedora,  we do have people building the distro.
> And that's their concentration.  But we also have people building the
> individual components that make up the distribution.  And that's their
> intended focus.

> And when it comes down to it, I think that the focus on upstream
> development is a core piece of Fedora.  So I'd love to see some of your
> ideas mature a bit and find a way to make Fedora better.  But I don't
> think that trying to get developers to run rawhide all the time so they
> can work on getting X not to crash, their wireless card to work,
> evolution not to be buggy, and other things for which they are not
> working frantically upstream is going to work.

That's worth replying to, actually, because you're right - I may well
have fudged the terms 'developer' and 'maintainer' at some point in this
thread, and I really shouldn't have done, because as you point out it's
an important distinction here. I'm mostly concerned with maintainers,
not developers. If your work is principally on upstream code, then it's
not really a big deal whether you run Rawhide or not, though obviously
in the wider goal you form part of the group of users who it would be
*nice to have* testing Rawhide. It's mostly people whose work is in
maintaining the packages that make up Fedora that I think it would be a
really good idea to have running Rawhide.

Sorry if that was confusing people. I forgot that the developer /
maintainer distinction is an important one here and on this list.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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