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Mike Chambers mike at miketc.net
Tue Jan 13 16:34:23 UTC 2009

How does rawhide seem to be running in the last week/days or so?  When I
messed with it few days ago, it seems slow and not as responsive (yes I
am aware at some point, debug type services are turned on and make it a
little slower during testing).  It seemed firefox was not showing pages
correctly, as in some of the blocks/frames within the page would be a
bunch of them, like tiled or something?  Thought I saw few others
mention this before.

In other words, it running same, better, no idea what I am referring to,
it picking up steam and working pretty decent for being rawhide?

Mike Chambers
Fedora Project - Ambassador, Bug Zapper, Tester, User, etc..
mikec302 at fedoraproject.org

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