comps discussion at fudcon and the future

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Thu Jan 15 17:27:48 UTC 2009

Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale wrote:
> seth vidal <skvidal at> writes:
>>> Another issue, from the point of view of a systems administrator this
>>> time: what about anaconda? What if I have the following in my
>>> kickstart packages list:
>>> @mygroup
>>> -mypackage
>>> with mypackage a member of mygroup?
>> Well, kickstart doesn't EXCLUDE pkgs when it does a -mypackage - it just
>> takes them out of the defaults. If they are pulled back in due to a
>> dependency, then they go in.
> Thank you for explaining this, but I'm still not sure I get it. How
> would I say, for instance, "install the whole text-internet group
> except fetchmail"? At the moment, this is a very useful feature and I
> would not like to see it go away.
You'd need to do the removal (yum remove -y mypackage should work) in a
%post script.  This is something I've had to do before when making
minimal livemedia.  It's not too hard although it wasn't obvious to me
at first why -mypackage didn't work in the packages list :-)


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