Draft: simple update description guidelines

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Tue Jan 27 19:49:30 UTC 2009

On 27.01.2009 20:20, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora at leemhuis.info> wrote:
>> Note that I don't disagree with the text that was proposed. My 2 cent: Put
>> it as text into the wiki somewhere, write "best practices" ontop of it
>> (avoid the words "rules" and "guidlines") and add a link to the bodhi ui
>> ("best practices for filing this box with information").
> Just to be clear. You are okay with documenting "best practises" but
> not requiring people to use those best practises? 


> [...] 
> There is a tension between ease of contributor participation and
> quality. 


> Some things can certainly be automated to help relieve some
> of that tension, but I'm not sure update notification text snippets
> are one of those things. 

Well, we have done fine without special rules for update text many years 
now afaics. So why do we need them now? Why can't "best practises" do, 
if it worked fine for so many years?

Whatever:  I don't care much about this specific set of rules. It just 
seems to me a general trend that more and more rules and guidelines are 
put into place in Fedora-land; and more and more work is outsourced onto 
the packagers. Sure, some of the rules and the outsourcing is needed -- 
but I find this trend very alarming.


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